First, the positives- It’s a house. The END! Now for the other features- ample opportunity to practice your DIY skills or contractor negotiations. You’re gonna get to put someone to work doing all of these fun projects, such as- new flooring, painting, wood work and trim, drywall, plumbing, electrical- including the selection of all new lights- cuz they were taken, landscaping, figuring out what that extra room is, determining why there is a toilet all by itself in that other room (laundry perhaps?), making the utility room and the attached rear hall just a little less scary and giving it that little bit of TLC. Once that’s done, its time for a new kitchen and getting the carpet out of the bathroom. Excellent winter project…followed by a spring project…and maybe a little bit of summer. But in the end, you’ll have a nicely sized 3 bed home on a large lot with a detached 1 car garage. And it has a nice porch hidden behind a giant bush.
Residential For Sale
1408 4th Ave, Derry, 15627
- Conn Realty
- View website
- 724-437-2888
- 724 - 437-6388